Friday, March 13, 2015


The mythology behind Gemini is that they are the twin sons of Zeus and Leda the wife of a Spartan King named Castor and Pollux. The constellation is visible in the northern hemisphere in the winter and in the southern in summer. This is a special sign to me because it is my sign my birthday is June 14th. Gemini falls May 22nd to June 23rd.

Strengths can be:
They are adaptable and very versatile. Highly intellectual with good communicative skills, spontaneous, youthful, and talkative.

Some weaknesses can be

They are changeable, inconsistent, restless, inquisitive, sometimes cunning and secretly nervous.

Picture from


  1. This might be the most interesting of the zodiac constellations.

  2. I know this is my sisters sign and the strengths and weaknesses you listed match up pretty well with her personality. Crazy how accurate these are sometimes.

  3. The fact that it has something to do with a spartan king is pretty cool
