Friday, March 13, 2015


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Libra symbolizes a scale and falls from Sept 23rd to Oct 22nd

Strengths can be
- Diplomatic
- Graceful
- Peaceful
- Idealistic
- Hospitable
Weaknesses can be
- Superficial
- Vain
- Indecisive
- Unreliable


Strengths can be
- Analytical
- Observant
- Helpful
- Reliable
- Precise

Weaknesses can be
- Skeptical
- Fussy
- Inflexible
- Cold
- Interfering

Picture from


picture from Dennis Mammana

Leo the lion falls from July 23rd to August 22nd.  


Cancer symbol is a crab and falls from June 21st to July 22nd.  According to mythology In the myth, Hera sends the crab to distract Hercules while the hero is fighting the Lernaean Hydra, the serpent-like beast with many heads and poisonous breath, represented by Hydra constellation. When the crab tries to kill Hercules, the story goes, Hercules kicks it all the way to the stars.
In another version, the crab gets crushed instead and Hera, a sworn enemy of Hercules, places it in the sky for its efforts.
However, she places the crab in a region of the sky that has no bright stars, because despite its efforts, the crab was not successful in accomplishing the task. Cancer does not have any stars brighter than fourth magnitude.

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The mythology behind Gemini is that they are the twin sons of Zeus and Leda the wife of a Spartan King named Castor and Pollux. The constellation is visible in the northern hemisphere in the winter and in the southern in summer. This is a special sign to me because it is my sign my birthday is June 14th. Gemini falls May 22nd to June 23rd.

Strengths can be:
They are adaptable and very versatile. Highly intellectual with good communicative skills, spontaneous, youthful, and talkative.

Some weaknesses can be

They are changeable, inconsistent, restless, inquisitive, sometimes cunning and secretly nervous.

Picture from


Taurus's symbol is a bull and this is a great illustration of this constellation falling from the dates April 20th to May 21st. The word taurus in latin means bull.  It can be viewed in the northern winter skies Nov. through March but is most visible in January it is thought to be one of the most visible constellations.  In a number of ancient writings, Taurus the bull was thought to bring protection which was a commonality it held through multiple cultures.

Strengths can be :
- Dependable
- Persistent
- Loyal
- Patient
- Generous

Weaknesses can be 
- Stubborn
- Laziness
- Possessive
- Materialistic
- Self-indulging